Building New Dev Box(es) for Dynamics 365

As we are building new workstations (preferably laptops) for a new team of developers, here are my recommendations+observations.
What would you add/remove?


Dual 23″ monitors for Windows 10 workstation with i7 processor, 16GB RAM and 500GB SSD with Local Admin Role and Full Internet Access. I believe more cores is generally better for Visual Studio when it comes to building projects. Faster the machines (overall dev environment) we give to Devs, lesser time they take while “Building” projects and build time remains within Distraction Threshold. Think investment – imagine a power drill vs manual hand drill.


  1. Visual Studio (Prefer Entreprise 2017)
  2. Reporting Services Tools SSDT
  3. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Report Authoring Extension
  4. SQL Server Management Studio (for any data integration projects)
  5. Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Developer Guide (SDK)
  6. O365 User license to download and install Word, Excel, PowerPoint 2016
  7. Visio Professional
  8. LinqPad Latest
  9. ReSharper Latest
  10. TechSmith Screen Capture



  1. O365
  2. SharePoint collaborative documentation
  3. Atlassian+Jira for live documentation and Agile works
Please add your suggestions in comments below.

Debugging CRM Plugin ~ Which process to attach to?

Thanks to my colleagues Prasad and Varun, we were able to summarise it like the below.

Let us know if you are sure about the third scenario
